Thursday, November 29, 2007
Winter Sucks!
I am a Canadian girl. I was born here. I was raised here. I am quite sure that my daughter will stick me in one of the two nursing homes in this little Canadian town that I live in. You would think that I would be used to this shit by now! Nope. It's too cold. It's only November. I bought a parka. Come on! How am I going to make it through January and February. God, that's when it gets really cold. I am totally going to buy myself a condo and do my winters in Florida when I get old. Maybe Bailey will find a nice home down there to stick me in.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
365 days

i have taken better photos this week but since i am sick this was all that i could muster the energy for.
yes, i am sick...first time in 9 sucks!
i know it seems like an odd time to start something like
365 days, but to me it made perfect sense. if i can force
myself to do it now i shouldn't have too much trouble
with it when i'm well. in theory it works....we'll see.
i do believe this is just what i need to get the photo-creative
juices flowing. my camera misses me and i miss it.
i want to learn. i want to feel. i want to see.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Ya... I know... I suck!
OK... I am a total blog slacker. I told you when I started this that I wouldn't be very good at it. In my defence, I have been kind of busy. I made the switch to Mac (yay), then my PC crashed
(sort of) before I got all my "stuff" on my new Mac. Then I moved......AGAIN! Just to bring you up to speed, this is what I've been up to:
I now have 3 tattoos....thanks Todd! He rocks.
I resigned from the WorldWin design team...I still LOVE them....I'm just burned out and need to re-discover the hobby I love so much and remember why I do it.
I am teaching classes at Scrapbook Academy. Charlene and Jackie have a beautiful store. Lots of cool stuff.
I spend far too much time on Facebook.
I am *loving my MacBook!!!!
Yes, I moved again. Don't ask.
Mike works A LOT
I started walking 5 days a week.
I've lost the weight I gained when I broke my foot.
I got drunk with my friend Joan....I forgot how much I liked it. Then, the next morning....I remembered how much I hated it. I'm quite sure we'll do it again though.
Today I got some spicy red highlights in my hair. I'm a wild woman....I know! Ha ha!
I plan to spend a little more time with a neglected loved camera. Stay tuned for new photos.
I will try to keep up with this a little better. If only for you, Jody.
(sort of) before I got all my "stuff" on my new Mac. Then I moved......AGAIN! Just to bring you up to speed, this is what I've been up to:
I now have 3 tattoos....thanks Todd! He rocks.
I resigned from the WorldWin design team...I still LOVE them....I'm just burned out and need to re-discover the hobby I love so much and remember why I do it.
I am teaching classes at Scrapbook Academy. Charlene and Jackie have a beautiful store. Lots of cool stuff.
I spend far too much time on Facebook.
I am *loving my MacBook!!!!
Yes, I moved again. Don't ask.
Mike works A LOT
I started walking 5 days a week.
I've lost the weight I gained when I broke my foot.
I got drunk with my friend Joan....I forgot how much I liked it. Then, the next morning....I remembered how much I hated it. I'm quite sure we'll do it again though.
Today I got some spicy red highlights in my hair. I'm a wild woman....I know! Ha ha!
I plan to spend a little more time with a neglected loved camera. Stay tuned for new photos.
I will try to keep up with this a little better. If only for you, Jody.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
A New Home For Mittens
of quiet I have until that dreaded time when I have to tell Bailey that I found a home for one of the kittens. She is gonna FREAK. I'll say "but honey, you knew that this was going to happen" and "she's with some very nice people". None of that is going to make any difference.....I am the horrible woman who gave away her kitten and she loooooved her and she was my favorite and Mommy why do you not love me anymore. OMG! I have to go buy her a Webkin RIGHT NOW! Anyway, she was a cute cat and I hope she likes her new home. The couple that took her are really young so I bet she'll be their new baby. Good luck to you Mittens...I'll miss ya!
Friday, September 14, 2007
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Look Up...Look Way Up!
I thought I would share some photos from our little trip to the CN Tower. I have been there several times but this was Bailey's first. She was excited. Now, for anyone who is not familiar...the CN Tower is located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. That's about 45 minutes from where I live. It is the World's Tallest Building and Free-Standing Structure (we Canadians are very proud of that!).
It"s height is 1815'5". There are two "pods" that you can visit...(the elevator is awesome) the Sky Pod, at a height of 147 stories, and down from that at 114 stories...the Look Out Level. But the ultimate at 113 stories (not for the faint of heart) is the Glass Floor Level! Sooooo Cool!!!!!! Seriously, even I got a little unsettled at first. It was difficult get a good photo, all I had was my cell phone camera and I didn't want to take up too much
on the floor.
This was not added until 1994 so this is the first time I've had this experience. It was really neat!
On a clear day, you can see the USA, but there aren't very many clear days in Toronto anymore and this was no exception. You can, however, see all of the city and everything looks so small! Bailey liked that the people look like ants and the cars look just like toys.
Well, it was a fun day and Bay got to learn some Canadian History. Oh and I forgot to mention that Mike used to do some work for one of the architects responsible for this amazing piece of work. I think that's kind of cool.
Friday, September 7, 2007
hello, my name is *angela* and i'm an inkaholic...

I've discovered that I loooove tattoos.
I mean, I've always liked them...
but now that I have one...
I loooove them.
I love how it looks.
I love how other people look at it.
I even love how it felt being done.
Kinda weird...I know.
Did it hurt?
Well mostly no, but it had it's moments.
What surprises me is how much it doesn't hurt today!
When a nurse pokes you with a needle
it's usually a bit sore the next day.
It stands to reason that if someone pokes you with
a needle like a million (exaggeration) times that it would
hurt more. It doesn't. Cool.
I am now planning my next piece.
No...I do not have a problem!
This is the shop I went to.
Todd at the Bowmanville location was my artist.
Thanks Todd!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Saying Goodbye
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Ta Da!

*angela* is now....a brunette!
i have never had hair this dark in my life. i have always been a blonde. not... Jessica Simpson-do buffalo's really have wings... blonde. just kinda dirty blonde. i like this colour...*Bailey* does not. she doesn't like change. i least right now i do. i'm not sure about *Mike*, he's not home yet. i can guess that he will either barely notice or become excited by the new woman in his home. (men!) either way it doesn't end well for me.
i also took a yoga class today. i forgot how much i enjoy it. i may not be able to move tomorrow but it was fun today.
i've done two things on my list...what should i do next? tattoo maybe? we'll see.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Lately I've been wanting to:
-die my hair brown
-get a tattoo
-buy shoes
-do yoga
-get back to work
-spend time with *Mike*
-photograph *myself* (no-one else does it)
-wear red
-use lots of colour in my scrapbook pages
...not necessarily in that order.
-die my hair brown
-get a tattoo
-buy shoes
-do yoga
-get back to work
-spend time with *Mike*
-photograph *myself* (no-one else does it)
-wear red
-use lots of colour in my scrapbook pages
...not necessarily in that order.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
No gifts
So... today is my husbands 35th birthday. His birthday always just reminds me that I'm older than him... 2.5 years older. That's OK, I'm still skinnier (for now).
I don't have a gift for him. I will make him a card, which he won't appreciate, but I'm unemployed so he gets NO gift.
He didn't get ME anything for MY last birthday either... or Valentines Day or our anniversary.
When did we start doing this? This thing where our daughter is the only one who seems to get presents... like we're not important anymore. We swore we'd never do it... but here we are... gift-less!
I'm gonna go make him a cake... I'll always be older so I'm gonna make sure that he stays fatter!
I don't have a gift for him. I will make him a card, which he won't appreciate, but I'm unemployed so he gets NO gift.
He didn't get ME anything for MY last birthday either... or Valentines Day or our anniversary.
When did we start doing this? This thing where our daughter is the only one who seems to get presents... like we're not important anymore. We swore we'd never do it... but here we are... gift-less!
I'm gonna go make him a cake... I'll always be older so I'm gonna make sure that he stays fatter!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Friday, July 13, 2007
Wardrobe Challenged
What do I wear!!!! I have to go to a Jack and Jill tonight and I don't have any clothes.
I am not joking...I don't have ANYTHING to wear!
At what point in my life did I start looking at clothing as a luxury and not a necessity? When did I begin to hate shopping for anything but scrapbooking supplies? "Look these jeans are on sale for $24.99"!..are you kidding me, I could buy like 20 sheets of pattern paper for that.
So, normally it's not such a big deal but then someone tosses me a wedding or some event to go to (usually at the last minute) and I get all freaked out because I can't dress myself.
Mike wonders why I can't just throw something on...MEN!...they just don't get it. Don't they know, it's not about covering up your nakedness it's about making people you haven't seen in a while hate you cause you look so damn good!
I suppose I'll just wear the dress I wore at the last Jack and Jill I went to... seven years ago =)
That solves that.
Next problem...SHOES!...don't get me started.
I am not joking...I don't have ANYTHING to wear!
At what point in my life did I start looking at clothing as a luxury and not a necessity? When did I begin to hate shopping for anything but scrapbooking supplies? "Look these jeans are on sale for $24.99"!..are you kidding me, I could buy like 20 sheets of pattern paper for that.
So, normally it's not such a big deal but then someone tosses me a wedding or some event to go to (usually at the last minute) and I get all freaked out because I can't dress myself.
Mike wonders why I can't just throw something on...MEN!...they just don't get it. Don't they know, it's not about covering up your nakedness it's about making people you haven't seen in a while hate you cause you look so damn good!
I suppose I'll just wear the dress I wore at the last Jack and Jill I went to... seven years ago =)
That solves that.
Next problem...SHOES!...don't get me started.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Computer Literate
I can use a computer! I really can! Maybe I don't know everything, but I can "upload" a photo to and I can do some neat things with my pictures, I even put that fancy header up for my blog title all by myself. I am proud!
You have to understand...when I went to high school, there were about fifteen computers for the whole school and that included the office. The computer class I took in grade ten taught the Binary Code. ( 10100010100010 ) To say I didn't learn much would be an understatement. In-fact, our teacher handed us some papers a couple of days before the exam at the end of the year and said "if you can answer these, you'll do fine". I got a 54%. I passed, but after that computers have always been a scary thing for me, until.......SCRAPBOOKING!!!
I now spend more time on this machine than doing laundry, cooking, watching T.V. or exercising. ( Well, let's be honest, I spend more time thinking about exercise than actually doing it. lol ) The point is's not so scary anymore and I'm smarter than I thought.
Maybe I should apply at Google...I could use a job like that...and I did pass an exam on the Binary Code once!
You have to understand...when I went to high school, there were about fifteen computers for the whole school and that included the office. The computer class I took in grade ten taught the Binary Code. ( 10100010100010 ) To say I didn't learn much would be an understatement. In-fact, our teacher handed us some papers a couple of days before the exam at the end of the year and said "if you can answer these, you'll do fine". I got a 54%. I passed, but after that computers have always been a scary thing for me, until.......SCRAPBOOKING!!!
I now spend more time on this machine than doing laundry, cooking, watching T.V. or exercising. ( Well, let's be honest, I spend more time thinking about exercise than actually doing it. lol ) The point is's not so scary anymore and I'm smarter than I thought.
Maybe I should apply at Google...I could use a job like that...and I did pass an exam on the Binary Code once!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Let's Get Started
So, here I am...blogging. Gotta keep up with the times. Go with the flow. looks like fun so I'll do it. But probably not every day and probably not as well as everyone else. I guess it's another place to show off some photos and scrapbook pages. For those of you who don't know me... I love my family, I love to scrapbook and I love to take pictures (lately I've been in self portrait mode). Now keep in mind, my knowledge of cameras and photograpy is limited but I like my stuff so I will share it with whoever wants to look.
Also, this blog stuff is all new to me...actually computers in general are not really my "thing" so please be patient with me while I learn how to do this.
Just what I needed... another thing to keep me away from laundry!
Also, this blog stuff is all new to me...actually computers in general are not really my "thing" so please be patient with me while I learn how to do this.
Just what I needed... another thing to keep me away from laundry!
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