It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good
Tired of feeling sick.
Tired of being lazy.
Tired of extra fat on my body.
Tired of being self-conscious.
Tired of treating myself badly.
I want health.
I want energy.
I want muscle.
I want self-confidence.
I want to respect myself.
It has been a week since Mike and I joined and I am already noticing a huge difference in how I feel. I sleep better, I eat better and I have more energy during the day. I am a happier person. I have all but given up Pepsi, which is
all I usually drink and replaced it with water. We are eating more meals at home and trying to make healthier choices without changing to much all at once. We do not want to become overwhelmed...that is a sure road to failure. We have a different outlook on working out than we had ten years ago. This is not about being muscle bound and shredded or all the unrealistic goals we set for ourselves back then and never came close to achieving. For me it's about feeling like this body I'm in...belongs to me. I'm not fat! I know that, but I also know that I can have a better body and if that is true...why not have it?
More than that, for me, this is about health. I want to be able to move when I'm old. I don't want my rib cage cut apart and have some doctor piecing together my arteries while chatting with the anesthesiologist about the new Porsche he just bought. I don't want to have a stroke and forget how to turn my stove on. Yes, these things could happen anyway but I am going to do something to try and prevent it. I still want to paddle a canoe when I'm sixty-five and go to Disney World with my grandchildren when I'm seventy. I want Bailey to see the rewards of a healthier lifestyle so that maybe she will get an earlier start than I did. Maybe she won't make some of the same mistakes I made. Maybe she'll notice the changes in her parents and understand that we are becoming better people for having made them and then maybe, it won't be so difficult to get her to eat a vegetable or walk a couple of blocks without complaining. I firmly believe that our desire to become healthy is going to do good things for our marriage. If he is happy, I am happy and vise
versa. It is also an obvious fact that no one wants to admit but, I'm sure we would be more attractive to each other minus some of the belly fat. When you don't feel good about yourself it's hard for your partner to feel good about being with you.
We often go to the gym together. It's nice to spend that time with each other. Sometimes we go separately. It's also nice to have that time alone to work out issues in your head and release the stress that he gets from work and I get from life.
I will keep you all posted on my success. I might even post a before photo of me in a bikini (
ewww). I'm not sure yet. You guys may never come back to my blog if I do...
hee hee.
I am going to live the