Have a look for yourself:
Here you see the cabinets (need doors and paint) and counter tops (need laminate) that we made this weekend. I can't wait to fill this wall with yummy product.

The upper cabinets on this wall will have glass in the doors and the tall cabinet for my paper still needs to be built.

I have never had my computer or printers in the same room as my scrapbook stuff before it is going to be so convenient.

I love this floor. It's vinyl plank. You glue it down...it's so easy and it will be a dream to keep clean.

I am very thankful for his talent. He is very good at what he does. I love him very much.
lovin that room! i really really really need to know what the surprise hole in the wall with the box looking thingy is
well...i can tell you that it's a cabinet to hold various office-y type things but what will be interesting are the doors. that's all you get! =D
there are a couple of other surprises coming as well. that is if we stick to the plan.
i am so freaking excited to get this room done!
Congrats it looks great!! I am sure it will be FAB when it is done!
waiting for an update....AHHHH!
The room looks awesome! Love the lights and the bright color!
Can't wait to see it done.
WOW! looks fabulous, Ang! You two have obviously been hard at work. It will be convenient to have you computer close at hand, lucky duck. I get a good workout up and down the stairs, smile. You have a lot of room too...again...just a titch jealous, as my room was originally intended to be a bathroom...but i told hubby, "who needs a 4th bathroom when you can have a scrapbooking room"...if you can call it that, lol! Don't get me wrong I am very, very happy with my little nook...just enough room for one, though.
Enjoy! (Oh yeah, I guess my last posting on my blog wasn't very clear. That little Tilda on the tag wasn't the one cast aside. I had to make that card so fast that i didn't even have time to take a pic...the one up there now, I actually spent some time on it. I will try to make sense next time, lol, but I was chatting with Dana on the phone and blogging at the same time, lol!)
later, t
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