- God grant me the serenity
- To accept the things I cannot change;
- Courage to change the things I can;
- And wisdom to know the difference.

1929 - 2008
At approximately 5:30 am on May 29 2008...I lost my dad.
He was, so I am told, very much at peace at the time of his passing. I am so thankful for that. I am thankful for the days before his death that I was able to tell him that I loved him and I am thankful that he nodded his head in comprehension. I know that he understood.
All of his children were able to see him at some point in the week before his passing. We were all able to spend the time we needed to and my mom spent many hours by his side in the three weeks he was in the hospital.
My dad left behind six children and their spouses. Eight grandchildren and a wife he loved for nearly fifty-seven years. He was seventy-nine. I am going to miss him terribly.
I am so sad for you....It is a very hard thing to loose someone you love so dearly. I know there is not much I can say right now but remember the good times with your family and take the time to grieve. Virtual hugs from me to you. Love J
angela - I am so very sorry for your loss. I know how difficult it is and I hope you find peace in knowing you had time to tell him how much you love him. so many people dont have that chance. i know you will find your therapy in putting your memories of him to paper.
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