Thursday, August 9, 2007

Ta Da!

*angela* is now....a brunette!
i have never had hair this dark in my life. i have always been a blonde. not... Jessica Simpson-do buffalo's really have wings... blonde. just kinda dirty blonde. i like this colour...*Bailey* does not. she doesn't like change. i least right now i do. i'm not sure about *Mike*, he's not home yet. i can guess that he will either barely notice or become excited by the new woman in his home. (men!) either way it doesn't end well for me.
i also took a yoga class today. i forgot how much i enjoy it. i may not be able to move tomorrow but it was fun today.
i've done two things on my list...what should i do next? tattoo maybe? we'll see.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Lately I've been wanting to:

-die my hair brown

-get a tattoo

-buy shoes

-do yoga

-get back to work

-spend time with *Mike*

-photograph *myself* (no-one else does it)

-wear red

-use lots of colour in my scrapbook pages

...not necessarily in that order.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


We bought a new truck!

I love it!

Bailey loves it too!

It has a T.V. in it!

It keeps her quiet!

I bet my parents wish there were T.V.'s in cars when I was a kid. he he!