Thursday, November 29, 2007

Winter Sucks!

I am a Canadian girl. I was born here. I was raised here. I am quite sure that my daughter will stick me in one of the two nursing homes in this little Canadian town that I live in. You would think that I would be used to this shit by now! Nope. It's too cold. It's only November. I bought a parka. Come on! How am I going to make it through January and February. God, that's when it gets really cold. I am totally going to buy myself a condo and do my winters in Florida when I get old. Maybe Bailey will find a nice home down there to stick me in.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

365 days

so i joined 365 days on flickr. i hope to be able to keep up with it. today was day 1. this is my photo:

i have taken better photos this week but since i am sick this was all that i could muster the energy for.
yes, i am sick...first time in 9 sucks!
i know it seems like an odd time to start something like
365 days, but to me it made perfect sense. if i can force
myself to do it now i shouldn't have too much trouble
with it when i'm well. in theory it works....we'll see.
i do believe this is just what i need to get the photo-creative
juices flowing. my camera misses me and i miss it.
i want to learn. i want to feel. i want to see.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Greedy... know who you are. That's all I need to say today.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Ya... I know... I suck!

OK... I am a total blog slacker. I told you when I started this that I wouldn't be very good at it. In my defence, I have been kind of busy. I made the switch to Mac (yay), then my PC crashed
(sort of) before I got all my "stuff" on my new Mac. Then I moved......AGAIN! Just to bring you up to speed, this is what I've been up to:

I now have 3 tattoos....thanks Todd! He rocks.

I resigned from the WorldWin design team...I still LOVE them....I'm just burned out and need to re-discover the hobby I love so much and remember why I do it.

I am teaching classes at Scrapbook Academy. Charlene and Jackie have a beautiful store. Lots of cool stuff.

I spend far too much time on Facebook.

I am *loving my MacBook!!!!

Yes, I moved again. Don't ask.

Mike works A LOT

I started walking 5 days a week.

I've lost the weight I gained when I broke my foot.

I got drunk with my friend Joan....I forgot how much I liked it. Then, the next morning....I remembered how much I hated it. I'm quite sure we'll do it again though.

Today I got some spicy red highlights in my hair. I'm a wild woman....I know! Ha ha!

I plan to spend a little more time with a neglected loved camera. Stay tuned for new photos.

I will try to keep up with this a little better. If only for you, Jody.